店橋・志村 / 鈴木 研究室
店橋・志村/鈴木研究室の 熱流体・反応性気体力学分野 に関する説明会(店橋教授担当)を、以下の日程で開催いたします。
参加を希望される方は、必ず下記のGoogleフォーム(URL)へのご記入、もしくはWang助教(wang.y.by[at]m.titech.ac.jp)までご連絡ください。(メールアドレス内の [at] は@に置き換えの上、宛先としてください)。
- 2025年2月28日 13:00~ (主催者: 店橋護 教授)
- 2025年3月14日 13:00~ (主催者: 店橋護 教授)
- 2025年3月25日 13:00~ (主催者: 店橋護 教授)
- 本研究室の概要、研究内容、研究実績のご紹介
- 実験室の見学
- 在籍学生との懇談・質疑応答

メールアドレス内の [at] は@に置き換えの上、宛先としてください。全ての教員は工学院 機械系 エネルギーコース及び機械コース担当。また、各教員の研究内容は、機械系Webから抜粋。
鈴木 佐夜香 (鈴木(佐)研究室)
T2R2 火災現象の基礎(熱流体及び燃焼)理解から効率的な消火手法と環境への影響を考える

村畑 和子
※ PD:博士研究員、D:博士生、M:修士生、U:学部生
※ エ:エネルギーコース、機:機械コース
- Jiang Shan (PD)
- 新井 公平 (M2 機)
- 塩月 大和 (M2 機)
- 島本 温哉 (M2 機)
- 須賀 夕夏 (M2 機)
- 坪田 大和 (M2 機)
- 諏訪部 匠史 (M1 機)
- 坂﨑 智秋 (U)
- Sibo Huang (D3 エ)
- 峠田 零 (M2 機)
- 栩内 友輝 (M2 機)
- 三輪 達大 (M2 機)
- 山口 督太郎 (M2 機)
- 亀山 礼大 (M1 機)
- 橋本 詢平 (M1 機)
- 野口 悠斗 (U)
- 普世 梓 (D1 機)
- 中島 颯太 (M2 機)
- 加山 元(M1 機)
- 中村 友飛 (M1 機)
- 原 佑希 (M1 機)
- Louis Hutin (M1 機)
- 元吉 耀平 (U)
- ⼤野 翔貴 (U)
からご覧ください。※下線:(当時の)本研究室メンバー、背景色:- T. Kaminaga, Y. Wang, M. Tanahashi, Modeling of wall heat flux in flame–wall interaction using machine learning, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 112, 109727 (2025).
- S. Huang, K. Hayashi, Y Tochinai, M Shimura, M. Tanahashi, Assessment of OH femtosecond thermally assisted fluorescence thermometry for hydrogen non-premixed flames, Applied Thermal Engineering, 258(A), 124517 (2025).
- S. Jiang, Y. Tomisawa, Y. Wang, M. Tanahashi, DNS on flame and flow characteristics of a H2-O2-H2O lifted flame with inclining impinging jets geometry, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 80, 1392-1405 (2024).
- S. Huang, M. Shimura, M. Tanahashi, Development of thermally assisted OH PLIF temperature measurement method based on a single femtosecond laser, Applied Physics B, 130, 65 (2024).
- Y. Wang, M. Tanahashi, Three-dimensional geometrical effects on the near-wall quenching of turbulent premixed flame, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 40, 105629 (2024).
- Y. Wang, Y. Minamoto, M. Shimura, M. Tanahashi, Quenching modes of local flame–wall interaction for turbulent premixed methane combustion in a constant volume vessel, Combustion Theory and Modelling, 27, 715–735 (2023).
- D. Kiran, Y. Minamoto, K. Osawa, M. Shimura, M. Tanahashi, A Direct Numerical Simulation Study for Flame Structure and Propagation Characteristics of Multi-Jet Flames, Combustion Science and Technology, 1-25 (2023).
- A. Abekawa, Y. Minamoto, K. Osawa, H. Shimamoto, M. Tanahashi, Exploration of robust machine learning strategy for subgrid scale stress modeling, Physics of Fluids, 35, 015162 (2023).
- K. Jigjid, Y. Minamoto, N. A. K. Doan, M. Tanahashi, SGS Reaction rate modelling for MILD combustion based on machine-learning combustion mode classification: Development and a priori study, Proceedings of Combustion Institute, 39, 4489-4499 (2023).
- A. Haridas, N. R. Vadlamani, Y. Minamoto, Deep neural networks to correct sub-precision errors in CFD, App. Energy Combust. Sci., 12, 100081 (2022). 機械学習、CFD、直接数値計算、他大学との連携
- Y. Minamoto, K. Jigjid, R. Igari, M. Tanahashi, Effect of flame-flame interaction on scalar PDF in turbulent premixed flames, Combustion and Flame, , 239, 111660 (2022). 直接数値計算、現象解明、物理数学モデル、クリーン燃焼
- R. Nakazawa, Y. Minamoto, N. Inoue, M. Tanahashi, Species reaction rate modelling based on physics-guided machine learning, Combustion and Flame, 235, 111696 (2021). 機械学習、直接数値計算、乱流燃焼モデル、クリーン燃焼
- H. Shehab, H. Watanabe, Y. Minamoto, R. Kurose, T. Kitagawa, Morphology and Structure of Spherically Propagating Premixed Turbulent Hydrogen--Air Flames, Combustion and Flame, 238, 111888 (2021). 直接数値計算、現象解明、他大学との連携
- A. Fuse, R. Yamada, Y. Minamoto, M. Shimura, M. Tanahashi, A derivation of temperature-based energy equation for LES of isochoric turbulent combustion with FDSGS model, Combustion Theory and Modelling, 25:7, 1324-1351 (2021)a. 直接数値計算、モデル開発、CFD、企業との共同研究
- K. Osawa, Y. Minamoto, M. Shimura, M. Tanahashi, Voronoi analysis of vortex clustering in homogeneous isotropic turbulence, Physics of Fluids, 33, 035138 (2021). 純粋乱流、直接数値計算、現象解明
- K. Jigjid, C. Tamaoki, Y. Minamoto, R. Nakazawa, N. Inoue, M. Tanahashi, Corrigendum to "Data driven analysis and prediction of MILD combustion mode", Combustion and Flame, 227, 481-482 (2021). 機械学習、直接数値計算、現象解明、サブモデル
- K. Jigjid, C. Tamaoki, Y. Minamoto, R. Nakazawa, N. Inoue, M. Tanahashi, Data driven analysis and prediction of MILD combustion mode, Combustion and Flame, 223, 475-485 (2021). (Open Access). 機械学習、直接数値計算、現象解明、サブモデル
- Z. M. Nikolaou, C. Chrysostomou, Y. Minamoto, L. Vervisch, Evaluation of a Neural Network-Based Closure for the Unresolved Stresses in Turbulent Premixed V-Flames, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 106, 331-356 (2021). 機械学習、直接数値計算、乱流応力モデル、国際連携
- M. Matsuda, T. Yokomori, M. Shimura, Y. Minamoto, M. Tanahashi, N. Iida, Development of cycle-to-cycle variation of the tumble flow motion in a cylinder of an SI IC engine with Miller cycle, International Journal of Engine Research, 22 (5) 1512-1524 (2021). レーザー計測、乱流、現象解明、共同研究
- Y. Minamoto, Y. Kondo, K. Osawa, Y. Harada, M. Shimura, M. Tanahashi, Effects of low-temperature chemistry on the wall heat flux in HCCI combustion, Proceedings of Combustion Institute, 38 (4) 5519-5527 (2021). 直接数値計算、現象解明、企業との共同研究
- N. A. K. Doan, S. Bansude, K. Osawa, Y. Minamoto, T. Lu, J. H. Chen, N. Swaminathan, Identification of combustion mode under MILD conditions using Chemical Explosive Mode Analysis, Proceedings of Combustion Institute, 38 (4) 5415-5422 (2021). 直接数値計算、現象解明、国際連携
- Y. Atagi, M. Shimura, M. Tanahashi, Simultaneous OH PLIF/Chemiluminescence and stereoscopic PIV measurements of combustion oscillation onset in turbulent swirling lean premixed flames, Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, 16 (1) (2020). レーザー計測、乱流燃焼、現象解明
- J.-H. Park, Y. Minamoto, M. Shimura, M. Tanahashi, Effects of hydrogen enrichment on CH4/air turbulent swirling premixed flames in a cuboid combustor, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 45 (15) 9039-9051 (2020). 直接数値計算、乱流燃焼、現象解明
- K. Narukawa, Y. Minamoto, M. Shimura, M. Tanahashi, Near-wall flame propagation behaviour with and without surface reactions, Fuel, 268, 117216 (2020). 直接数値計算、火炎壁面干渉、現象解明
- K. Aoki, M. Shimura, J.-H. Park, Y. Minamoto, M. Tanahashi, Response of heat release rate to flame straining in swirling hydrogen-air premixed flames, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 104, 451-478 (2020). 直接数値計算、乱流燃焼、現象解明、クリーン燃焼
- D. M. Manias, E.-A. Tingas, Y. Minamoto, H. G. Im, Topological and chemical characteristics of turbulent flames at MILD conditions, Combustion and Flame, 208, 86-98 (2019). 直接数値計算、乱流燃焼、現象解明、国際連携
- Y. Minamoto, M. Tanahashi, Effect of turbulent motions at different length scales on turbulent premixed swirl-stabilised flame topology, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44 (39) 22316-22327 (2019). 直接数値計算、乱流燃焼、現象解明、クリーン燃焼
- Z. M. Nikolaou, Y. Minamoto, L. Vervisch, Unresolved stress tensor modelling in turbulent premixed V-flames using iterative deconvolution: An a priori assessment, Physical Review Fluids, 4 (6), 063202 (2019). 機械学習、直接数値計算、モデル開発、国際連携
- M. Shimura, S. Yoshida, K. Osawa, Y. Minamoto, T. Yokomori, K. Iwamoto, M. Tanahashi, H. Kosaka, Micro particle image velocimetry investigation of near-wall behaviors of tumble enhanced flow in an internal combustion engine, International Journal of Engine Research, COMODIA2017 Special Issue, 20 (7) 718-725 (2019). レーザー計測、乱流、現象解明、共同研究
- D.-H. Shin, E. S. Richardson, V. Aparace-Scutariu, Y. Minamoto, J. Chen, Fluid age-based analysis of a lifted turbulent DME jet flame DNS, Proceedings of Combustion Institute, 37, 2215-2222 (2019). 直接数値計算、乱流燃焼、現象解明、国際連携
- N.A.K. Doan, N. Swaminathan, P.A. Davidson, M. Tanahashi, Scale locality of the energy cascade using real space quantities, Physical Review Fluids, 3, 084601 (2018). 純粋乱流、直接数値計算、現象解明、国際連携
- K. Osawa, J. Jiménez, Intense structures of different momentum fluxes in turbulent channels, Physical Review Fluids, 3 (8), 084603 (2018). 純粋乱流、直接数値計算、国際連携、短期留学
- T. Itoh, Y. Naka, Y. Minamoto, M. Shimura, M. Tanahashi, Large-scale clustering of coherent fine-scale eddies in a turbulent mixing layer, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 72, 100-108 (2018). 直接数値計算、純粋乱流、現象解明
- G. Ghiasi, N. A. K. Doan, N. Swaminathan, B. Yenerdag, Y. Minamoto, M. Tanahashi, Assessment of SGS closure for isochoric combustion of hydrogen-air mixture, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43 (16) 8105-8115 (2018). 直接数値計算、乱流燃焼、モデル開発、国際連携
- Y. Minamoto, B. Yenerdag, M. Tanahashi, Morphology and structure of hydrogen-air turbulent premixed flames, Combustion and Flame, 192, 369-383 (2018). 直接数値計算、乱流燃焼、現象解明、クリーン燃焼
- N. A. K. Doan, N. Swaminathan, Y. Minamoto, DNS of MILD combustion with mixture fraction variations, Combustion and Flame, 189, 173-189 (2018). 直接数値計算、乱流燃焼、現象解明、国際連携
- N. Saito, Y. Minamoto, B. Yenerdag, M. Shimura, M. Tanahashi, Effects of turbulence on ignition of methane–air and n-heptane–air fully premixed mixtures, Combustion Science and Technology, 190 (3) 451-469 (2018). 直接数値計算、乱流燃焼、モデル開発
- M. Tanahashi, M. Shimura, Y. Minamoto, Progress in DNS and Laser Diagnostics of Turbulence and Turbulent Combustion, Thermal Science and Engineering, 25 (3) 27-43 (2017). 直接数値計算、レーザー計測、レビュー論文
- B. Yenerdag, Y. Minamoto, M. Shimura, Y. Nada, M. Tanahashi, Flame-wall interactions of lean premixed flames under elevated, rising pressure conditions, Fuel, 189, 8-14 (2017). 直接数値計算、壁面干渉、現象解明
- K. Osawa, Y. Naka, N. Fukushima, M. Shimura, M. Tanahashi, T. Miyauchi, Effect of Flow Structures on Turbulence Statistics of Taylor-Couette Flow in the Torque Transition State, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 97 (4), 973-986 (2016). 純粋乱流、直接数値計算、現象解明
- K. Hiraoka, Y. Naka, M. Shimura, Y. Minamoto, N. Fukushima, M. Tanahashi, T. Miyauchi, Evaluations of SGS Combustion, Scalar Flux and Stress Models in a Turbulent Jet Premixed Flame, Flow Turbulence and Combustion, 97 (4) 1147-1164 (2016). 直接数値計算、乱流燃焼、モデル開発、CFD
- K. Hiraoka, Y. Minamoto, M. Shimura, Y. Naka, N. Fukushima, M. Tanahashi, A Fractal Dynamic SGS Combustion Model for Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Premixed Flames, Combustion Science and Technology, 188 (9) 1472-1495 (2016). 直接数値計算、乱流燃焼、モデル開発、CFD
- Y. Gao, Y. Minamoto, M. Tanahashi, N. Chakraborty, A priori assessment of scalar dissipation rate closure for Large Eddy Simulations of turbulent premixed combustion using a detailed chemistry Direct Numerical Simulation database, Combustion Science and Technology, 188 (9) 1398-1423 (2016). 直接数値計算、乱流燃焼、モデル開発、国際連携
- B. Yenerdag, Y. Minamoto, Y. Naka, M. Shimura, M. Tanahashi, Flame propagation and heat transfer characteristics of a hydrogen--air premixed flame in a constant volume vessel, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41 (22) 9679-9689 (2016). 直接数値計算、乱流燃焼、現象解明
- Y. Minamoto, Jacqueline H. Chen, DNS of a turbulent lifted DME jet flame, Combustion and Flame, 169, 38-50 (2016). 直接数値計算、乱流燃焼、現象解明、国際連携