店橋・志村 / 鈴木   研究室






店橋・志村/鈴木研究室の 熱流体・反応性気体力学分野 に関する説明会(店橋教授担当)を、以下の日程で開催いたします。

参加を希望される方は、必ず下記のGoogleフォーム(URL)へのご記入、もしくはWang助教(wang.y.by[at]m.titech.ac.jp)までご連絡ください。(メールアドレス内の [at] は@に置き換えの上、宛先としてください)。

  • 2025年2月28日 13:00~ (主催者: 店橋護 教授)
  • 2025年3月14日 13:00~ (主催者: 店橋護 教授)
  • 2025年3月25日 13:00~ (主催者: 店橋護 教授)
  • 本研究室の概要、研究内容、研究実績のご紹介
  • 実験室の見学
  • 在籍学生との懇談・質疑応答






米国開催の 9th U.S. National Combustion Meeting でのアートコンペ風景(本研究室の作品が受賞)



メールアドレス内の [at] は@に置き換えの上、宛先としてください。全ての教員は工学院 機械系 エネルギーコース及び機械コース担当。また、各教員の研究内容は、機械系Webから抜粋。

  • 店橋  護

  • 鈴木 佐夜香 (鈴木(佐)研究室)

  • 志村 祐康

  • WANG  Ye

  • 村畑 和子


※ PD:博士研究員、D:博士生、M:修士生、U:学部生
※ エ:エネルギーコース、機:機械コース

  • Jiang Shan (PD)
  • 新井 公平 (M2 機)
  • 塩月 大和 (M2 機)
  • 島本 温哉 (M2 機)
  • 須賀 夕夏 (M2 機)
  • 坪田 大和 (M2 機)
  • 諏訪部 匠史 (M1 機)
  • 坂﨑 智秋 (U)
  • Sibo Huang (D3 エ)
  • 峠田 零 (M2 機)
  • 栩内 友輝 (M2 機)
  • 三輪 達大 (M2 機)
  • 山口 督太郎 (M2 機)
  • 亀山 礼大 (M1 機)
  • 橋本 詢平 (M1 機)
  • 野口 悠斗 (U)
  • 普世 梓 (D1 機)
  • 中島 颯太 (M2 機)
  • 加山 元(M1 機)
  • 中村 友飛 (M1 機)
  • 原 佑希 (M1 機)
  • Louis Hutin (M1 機)
  • 元吉 耀平 (U)
  • ⼤野 翔貴 (U)




  1. T. Kaminaga, Y. Wang, M. Tanahashi, Modeling of wall heat flux in flame–wall interaction using machine learning, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 112, 109727 (2025). 
  2. S. Huang, K. Hayashi, Y Tochinai, M Shimura, M. Tanahashi, Assessment of OH femtosecond thermally assisted fluorescence thermometry for hydrogen non-premixed flames, Applied Thermal Engineering, 258(A), 124517 (2025). 
  3. 2024

  4. S. Jiang, Y. Tomisawa, Y. Wang, M. Tanahashi, DNS on flame and flow characteristics of a H2-O2-H2O lifted flame with inclining impinging jets geometry, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 80, 1392-1405 (2024). 
  5. S. Huang, M. Shimura, M. Tanahashi, Development of thermally assisted OH PLIF temperature measurement method based on a single femtosecond laser, Applied Physics B, 130, 65 (2024). 
  6. Y. Wang, M. Tanahashi, Three-dimensional geometrical effects on the near-wall quenching of turbulent premixed flame, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 40, 105629 (2024). 
  7. 2023

  8. Y. Wang, Y. Minamoto, M. Shimura, M. Tanahashi, Quenching modes of local flame–wall interaction for turbulent premixed methane combustion in a constant volume vessel, Combustion Theory and Modelling, 27, 715–735 (2023). 
  9. D. Kiran, Y. Minamoto, K. Osawa, M. Shimura, M. Tanahashi, A Direct Numerical Simulation Study for Flame Structure and Propagation Characteristics of Multi-Jet Flames, Combustion Science and Technology, 1-25 (2023). 
  10. A. Abekawa, Y. Minamoto, K. Osawa, H. Shimamoto, M. Tanahashi, Exploration of robust machine learning strategy for subgrid scale stress modeling, Physics of Fluids, 35, 015162 (2023). 
  11. K. Jigjid, Y. Minamoto, N. A. K. Doan, M. Tanahashi, SGS Reaction rate modelling for MILD combustion based on machine-learning combustion mode classification: Development and a priori study, Proceedings of Combustion Institute, 39, 4489-4499 (2023). 
  12. 2022

  13. A. Haridas, N. R. Vadlamani, Y. Minamoto, Deep neural networks to correct sub-precision errors in CFD, App. Energy Combust. Sci., 12, 100081 (2022). 機械学習、CFD、直接数値計算、他大学との連携
  14. Y. Minamoto, K. Jigjid, R. Igari, M. Tanahashi, Effect of flame-flame interaction on scalar PDF in turbulent premixed flames, Combustion and Flame, , 239, 111660 (2022). 直接数値計算、現象解明、物理数学モデル、クリーン燃焼
  15. R. Nakazawa, Y. Minamoto, N. Inoue, M. Tanahashi, Species reaction rate modelling based on physics-guided machine learning, Combustion and Flame, 235, 111696 (2021). 機械学習、直接数値計算、乱流燃焼モデル、クリーン燃焼
  16. H. Shehab, H. Watanabe, Y. Minamoto, R. Kurose, T. Kitagawa, Morphology and Structure of Spherically Propagating Premixed Turbulent Hydrogen--Air Flames, Combustion and Flame, 238, 111888 (2021). 直接数値計算、現象解明、他大学との連携
  17. 2021

  18. A. Fuse, R. Yamada, Y. Minamoto, M. Shimura, M. Tanahashi, A derivation of temperature-based energy equation for LES of isochoric turbulent combustion with FDSGS model, Combustion Theory and Modelling, 25:7, 1324-1351 (2021)a. 直接数値計算、モデル開発、CFD、企業との共同研究
  19. K. Osawa, Y. Minamoto, M. Shimura, M. Tanahashi, Voronoi analysis of vortex clustering in homogeneous isotropic turbulence, Physics of Fluids, 33, 035138 (2021). 純粋乱流、直接数値計算、現象解明
  20. K. Jigjid, C. Tamaoki, Y. Minamoto, R. Nakazawa, N. Inoue, M. Tanahashi, Corrigendum to "Data driven analysis and prediction of MILD combustion mode", Combustion and Flame, 227, 481-482 (2021). 機械学習、直接数値計算、現象解明、サブモデル
  21. K. Jigjid, C. Tamaoki, Y. Minamoto, R. Nakazawa, N. Inoue, M. Tanahashi, Data driven analysis and prediction of MILD combustion mode, Combustion and Flame, 223, 475-485 (2021). (Open Access). 機械学習、直接数値計算、現象解明、サブモデル
  22. Z. M. Nikolaou, C. Chrysostomou, Y. Minamoto, L. Vervisch, Evaluation of a Neural Network-Based Closure for the Unresolved Stresses in Turbulent Premixed V-Flames, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 106, 331-356 (2021). 機械学習、直接数値計算、乱流応力モデル、国際連携
  23. M. Matsuda, T. Yokomori, M. Shimura, Y. Minamoto, M. Tanahashi, N. Iida, Development of cycle-to-cycle variation of the tumble flow motion in a cylinder of an SI IC engine with Miller cycle, International Journal of Engine Research, 22 (5) 1512-1524 (2021). レーザー計測、乱流、現象解明、共同研究
  24. Y. Minamoto, Y. Kondo, K. Osawa, Y. Harada, M. Shimura, M. Tanahashi, Effects of low-temperature chemistry on the wall heat flux in HCCI combustion, Proceedings of Combustion Institute, 38 (4) 5519-5527 (2021). 直接数値計算、現象解明、企業との共同研究
  25. N. A. K. Doan, S. Bansude, K. Osawa, Y. Minamoto, T. Lu, J. H. Chen, N. Swaminathan, Identification of combustion mode under MILD conditions using Chemical Explosive Mode Analysis, Proceedings of Combustion Institute, 38 (4) 5415-5422 (2021). 直接数値計算、現象解明、国際連携
  26. 2020

  27. Y. Atagi, M. Shimura, M. Tanahashi, Simultaneous OH PLIF/Chemiluminescence and stereoscopic PIV measurements of combustion oscillation onset in turbulent swirling lean premixed flames, Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, 16 (1) (2020). レーザー計測、乱流燃焼、現象解明
  28. J.-H. Park, Y. Minamoto, M. Shimura, M. Tanahashi, Effects of hydrogen enrichment on CH4/air turbulent swirling premixed flames in a cuboid combustor, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 45 (15) 9039-9051 (2020). 直接数値計算、乱流燃焼、現象解明
  29. K. Narukawa, Y. Minamoto, M. Shimura, M. Tanahashi, Near-wall flame propagation behaviour with and without surface reactions, Fuel, 268, 117216 (2020). 直接数値計算、火炎壁面干渉、現象解明
  30. K. Aoki, M. Shimura, J.-H. Park, Y. Minamoto, M. Tanahashi, Response of heat release rate to flame straining in swirling hydrogen-air premixed flames, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 104, 451-478 (2020). 直接数値計算、乱流燃焼、現象解明、クリーン燃焼
  31. 2019

  32. D. M. Manias, E.-A. Tingas, Y. Minamoto, H. G. Im, Topological and chemical characteristics of turbulent flames at MILD conditions, Combustion and Flame, 208, 86-98 (2019). 直接数値計算、乱流燃焼、現象解明、国際連携
  33. Y. Minamoto, M. Tanahashi, Effect of turbulent motions at different length scales on turbulent premixed swirl-stabilised flame topology, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44 (39) 22316-22327 (2019). 直接数値計算、乱流燃焼、現象解明、クリーン燃焼
  34. Z. M. Nikolaou, Y. Minamoto, L. Vervisch, Unresolved stress tensor modelling in turbulent premixed V-flames using iterative deconvolution: An a priori assessment, Physical Review Fluids, 4 (6), 063202 (2019). 機械学習、直接数値計算、モデル開発、国際連携
  35. M. Shimura, S. Yoshida, K. Osawa, Y. Minamoto, T. Yokomori, K. Iwamoto, M. Tanahashi, H. Kosaka, Micro particle image velocimetry investigation of near-wall behaviors of tumble enhanced flow in an internal combustion engine, International Journal of Engine Research, COMODIA2017 Special Issue, 20 (7) 718-725 (2019). レーザー計測、乱流、現象解明、共同研究
  36. D.-H. Shin, E. S. Richardson, V. Aparace-Scutariu, Y. Minamoto, J. Chen, Fluid age-based analysis of a lifted turbulent DME jet flame DNS, Proceedings of Combustion Institute, 37, 2215-2222 (2019). 直接数値計算、乱流燃焼、現象解明、国際連携
  37. 2018

  38. N.A.K. Doan, N. Swaminathan, P.A. Davidson, M. Tanahashi, Scale locality of the energy cascade using real space quantities, Physical Review Fluids, 3, 084601 (2018). 純粋乱流、直接数値計算、現象解明、国際連携
  39. K. Osawa, J. Jiménez, Intense structures of different momentum fluxes in turbulent channels, Physical Review Fluids, 3 (8), 084603 (2018). 純粋乱流、直接数値計算、国際連携、短期留学
  40. T. Itoh, Y. Naka, Y. Minamoto, M. Shimura, M. Tanahashi, Large-scale clustering of coherent fine-scale eddies in a turbulent mixing layer, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 72, 100-108 (2018). 直接数値計算、純粋乱流、現象解明
  41. G. Ghiasi, N. A. K. Doan, N. Swaminathan, B. Yenerdag, Y. Minamoto, M. Tanahashi, Assessment of SGS closure for isochoric combustion of hydrogen-air mixture, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43 (16) 8105-8115 (2018). 直接数値計算、乱流燃焼、モデル開発、国際連携
  42. Y. Minamoto, B. Yenerdag, M. Tanahashi, Morphology and structure of hydrogen-air turbulent premixed flames, Combustion and Flame, 192, 369-383 (2018). 直接数値計算、乱流燃焼、現象解明、クリーン燃焼
  43. N. A. K. Doan, N. Swaminathan, Y. Minamoto, DNS of MILD combustion with mixture fraction variations, Combustion and Flame, 189, 173-189 (2018). 直接数値計算、乱流燃焼、現象解明、国際連携
  44. N. Saito, Y. Minamoto, B. Yenerdag, M. Shimura, M. Tanahashi, Effects of turbulence on ignition of methane–air and n-heptane–air fully premixed mixtures, Combustion Science and Technology, 190 (3) 451-469 (2018). 直接数値計算、乱流燃焼、モデル開発
  45. 2017

  46. M. Tanahashi, M. Shimura, Y. Minamoto, Progress in DNS and Laser Diagnostics of Turbulence and Turbulent Combustion, Thermal Science and Engineering, 25 (3) 27-43 (2017). 直接数値計算、レーザー計測、レビュー論文
  47. B. Yenerdag, Y. Minamoto, M. Shimura, Y. Nada, M. Tanahashi, Flame-wall interactions of lean premixed flames under elevated, rising pressure conditions, Fuel, 189, 8-14 (2017). 直接数値計算、壁面干渉、現象解明
  48. 2016

  49. K. Osawa, Y. Naka, N. Fukushima, M. Shimura, M. Tanahashi, T. Miyauchi, Effect of Flow Structures on Turbulence Statistics of Taylor-Couette Flow in the Torque Transition State, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 97 (4), 973-986 (2016). 純粋乱流、直接数値計算、現象解明
  50. K. Hiraoka, Y. Naka, M. Shimura, Y. Minamoto, N. Fukushima, M. Tanahashi, T. Miyauchi, Evaluations of SGS Combustion, Scalar Flux and Stress Models in a Turbulent Jet Premixed Flame, Flow Turbulence and Combustion, 97 (4) 1147-1164 (2016). 直接数値計算、乱流燃焼、モデル開発、CFD
  51. K. Hiraoka, Y. Minamoto, M. Shimura, Y. Naka, N. Fukushima, M. Tanahashi, A Fractal Dynamic SGS Combustion Model for Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Premixed Flames, Combustion Science and Technology, 188 (9) 1472-1495 (2016). 直接数値計算、乱流燃焼、モデル開発、CFD
  52. Y. Gao, Y. Minamoto, M. Tanahashi, N. Chakraborty, A priori assessment of scalar dissipation rate closure for Large Eddy Simulations of turbulent premixed combustion using a detailed chemistry Direct Numerical Simulation database, Combustion Science and Technology, 188 (9) 1398-1423 (2016). 直接数値計算、乱流燃焼、モデル開発、国際連携
  53. B. Yenerdag, Y. Minamoto, Y. Naka, M. Shimura, M. Tanahashi, Flame propagation and heat transfer characteristics of a hydrogen--air premixed flame in a constant volume vessel, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41 (22) 9679-9689 (2016). 直接数値計算、乱流燃焼、現象解明
  54. Y. Minamoto, Jacqueline H. Chen, DNS of a turbulent lifted DME jet flame, Combustion and Flame, 169, 38-50 (2016). 直接数値計算、乱流燃焼、現象解明、国際連携


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